Yes Sign

February is now in full swing, and 2017 has moved past predictions and guessing about what may happen in the new year to business as usual.

In prior blogs, we’ve identified what makes a solid communications provider, and learned how to get the most from our partner. Next in our series offers ways to ensure a positive response from prospects, and hear that coveted ‘yes’ more often.

Solid relationship management is at the heart of all success. The best way to add value to your client, offer strong service, and hear the word ‘yes’ is by truly knowing your customer. This isn’t just about knowing their name and company profile, but going deeper.  Knowing when a solution is right for the customer, and backing it up with strong follow through lays the ground work for consistent success.

Once strong relationship is established, it’s time to use the tools best suited to that customer’s needs, adds value for them. Here are some suggested ways to do that:

  • Knowledge is power. By offering your customers continued education, you empower them. Knowing what curriculum is right for them builds rapport. Facts and figures plus testimonials equals the right balance of head and heart thinking, both of which factor into decision making.
  • Practice what you preach. Many books have been written about it, but it’s very true – eat your own dog food. When businesses use what they’re selling, it permeates through their partnerships. Highlight the instances where you are benefiting from the very services you sell. This goes a long way with those who may be skeptical.
  • Offer clear and tailored strategies. This goes back to knowing your audience. Dig into what the opportunities and challenges your prospect faces, and present them with ways that capitalize on those opportunities or resolve those challenges. When there is clear understanding of your customer’s challenges, you have a better chance of recommending the right solutions and your chance of closing the business is exponentially higher. Consistently add value to your customer should result in a loyal customer and repeat business.

FirstLight is not a conglomerate. Our accessibility to our partners and customers is what sets us apart.  Our partners and customers have access to our full team from the onset of the relationship.  For example, our project management team is introduced early on in the implementation process in order to build rapport and ensure continuity throughout the installation process.

Find out why FirstLight is the right connectivity partner for your business. Explore all of the benefits our Partner Program has to offer. Learn more at