University_at_Albany,_SUNY_(logo)FirstLight has been tapped to install a dedicated fiber link between the University at Albany and Hudson Valley Community College campuses. The link will allow the schools to share their IT services and serve as each other’s secondary data centers. UAlbany and Hudson Valley will be the first two SUNY campuses to share IT facilities, however this is expected to be the first of many shared opportunities.

UAlbany will relocate its back-up physical servers, virtual servers and network equipment to the Hudson Valley Community College campus by the end of 2013. Likewise, UAlbany will provide reciprocal services once the community college’s new data center facility opens in 2014. The sharing of services provides a cost-effective, and efficient IT backup site for both schools.51W6JJVEP6

The decision to share IT services stems from the shared services initiative launched under SUNY Chancellor Nancy Zimpher. Since its inception, the initiative has saved the university system over $20 million dollars. These funds are being reinvested in to growing student and academic services across the SUNY campuses.

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